"How the Gospel Transforms Family and Work" (Ephesians 6:1-9)

The gospel impacts every area of our lives. As we continue in Ephesians this Sunday, the Apostle Paul applies his exhortation to submission in two significant places—our home and our work. We'll see how our union with Christ transforms our relationships with our parents and our bosses.

Happily Ever After? (Genesis 35:15-29)

"Everything will be alright." Are you sure? This Sunday we come to the conclusion of the focus on Jacob's life in Genesis. You might think that this story would end well--Jacob is in the Promised Land, reconciled with his brother, and grown in his faith and character. Instead we find betrayal and death. We'll recap chapters 25-35 and consider the significance of this sad conclusion.

The Significance of the Supper (Matthew 26:17-35)

You might wonder why we celebrate the Lord's Supper each week. Indeed, it doesn't seem like much of a "supper" at all. What is the point of eating a miniature square of bread and drinking from a tiny cup anyway? We'll see in this Sunday's passage why, surrounded by betrayal and abandonment, this solemn celebration is essential to our faith.