"Authority Applied: Government" (Romans 13:1-7)

This Sunday is Palm Sunday! On the day when we celebrate Jesus riding into Jerusalem as King, it's worth considering...what are kings for anyway? Or, what is government for? We'll consider what kind of authority that God gives to governments and what our role should be in politics as Christ's church.

This series is based loosely on the book, Authority by Jonathan Leeman.

How the Lord Keeps His Promise (Genesis 31:1-55)

The Christian life isn't always easy. We face doubts, temptations, the consequences of our own sin--as well as trials, opposition, and consequences of others' sin or just the broken world we live in. Sometimes it's hard to keep going. Our passage this Sunday is a reminder of the faithfulness of God to us as we walk with him—that He will keep his promise to save and preserve us, his people.