"Abiding and Flourishing" (Psalm 1)

This Sunday, we have the joy to hear God's word preached by Pastor Mike Brooks, Associate Pastor of Hope Fellowship Church in Cambridge. Mike and his wife, Paige, are from Georgia and moved to the Boston area from Kansas City in the Spring of 2022. They love all things New England and Boston, and are involved as foster parents and fostering advocates here in Boston.

God's Word Is Necessary (1 Corinthians 2:6-13)

Boston is a diverse city of nearly 700,000 people from various nations, backgrounds, and experiences. And yet at the core, all of us are searching for the same things for our lives: purpose, identity, happiness, and hope. As we conclude our sermon series on the doctrine of Scripture, we'll see that these deep desires we all have, we cannot ultimately discover by ourselves. They can only be found in God, who reveals himself to us in his Word.

*This sermon series is drawn from Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung.

God's Word Is Final (Acts 17:1-15)

Who has the final word in your life? Whether we realize it or not, we all give someone or something the greatest authority—our parents, our culture, our community, our feelings, the government, peer-reviewed journals, opinion polls, impressions, or a holy book. As we continue in our sermon series on the doctrine of Scripture, we'll see why the final word in our lives should be, well, God's.

*This sermon series is drawn from Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung.

God's Word Is Clear (Deuteronomy 30:11-14)

"Well that's just your interpretation." Have you ever talked with someone about the Bible and heard that response? Or maybe you've said it yourself. This week we'll explore the historic Protestant Christian doctrine of the perspicuity (or clarity) of Scripture. We'll see why even regular people like us should be confident that we can understand God's word--and why this has massive implications for our relationship with the Lord.

*This sermon series is drawn from Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung.

God's Word Is Sufficient (Hebrews 1:1-4)

Have you ever heard God's voice? Have you ever asked God to speak to you? Have you ever sought or wished you had some unique experience with God to bring you comfort or clarity in times of trouble? As we continue our sermon series on the Doctrine of Scripture this week, we'll see why we don't need to turn anywhere but to God's word. His word is enough for our encouragement and growth and salvation.

*This sermon series is drawn from Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung.

God's Word Is Inerrant (2 Peter 1:16-21)

In our era of abundant--and often conflicting--information, is there any resource we can fully trust? This Sunday we're continuing our sermon series on the doctrine of Scripture, expounding on the historic Christian characteristics of God's word--that it is inerrant, sufficient, clear, final, and necessary. We'll see why it's crucial to believe God's word is without error.

*This sermon series is drawn from Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung.

Love God's Word (Psalm 119)

We begin a new sermon series on the doctrine of Scripture. This series will expound on the historic Christian characteristics of God's word--that it is inerrant, sufficient, clear, final, and necessary. Each of these are distinct, essential, and practical for us as we strive to be a people of the Word. But we'll begin first with the goal of this series: that you would love and devote yourself to God's word this year and for the remaining years of your life. And that so happens to be what the longest chapter in the Bible is all about.

*This sermon series is drawn from Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung.

The Perspective We Need (Matthew 17:1-13)

Why do people climb mountains? For some it's to get a new perspective. When you climb a tall mountain you see the world down below differently, but you also see yourself differently as it makes you feel small. In our passage this Sunday, Jesus takes three of his disciples up a mountain, because they needed a new perspective--on the world, on themselves, and on Him. And of course, this is a new perspective that we need, too.