"If the Son Sets You Free" (John 8:31-36)

We have an incredible privilege this Sunday to hear from Neel and Chalor Roberts, missionaries to Thailand. Neel preached on the freedom only Christ provides. Neel joined Ruggles back in 1984 and was sent as a missionary from our church to Thailand with OMF in 1987. In 1993, he married Chalor, who is Thai and a graduate of Phayao Bible Institute. Chalor works with Shan Migrant Children in Mae Sai and Chiang Rai in North Thailand. Neel supervises Christian workers in the Upper Mekong Region.

Stepping Out in the Storm (Matthew 14:22-36)

This last year has been an unexpected storm for all of us. When we're surprised by the circumstances in our lives, how can we survive--or even thrive? Matthew is the only Gospel writer to include Peter's attempt to walk on the stormy water with Jesus. So we'll explore how we might find faith not only to step out of the boat but to stay above the water as well.

The Fuel for Kingdom Sacrifice (Matthew 13:44-52)

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The Apostle Paul. Augustine of Hippo. William Wilberforce. Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In Scripture and throughout church history there are certain people--most of them unknown -who uniquely devoted themselves to Christ's kingdom even at great cost to themselves. It raises the question, what is the fuel that powers such great sacrifice? Jesus' last three parables in Matthew 13 will show us how we can grow in seeking first the kingdom in our day-to-day lives.