God's Plan for Your Life (Ephesians 1:1-14)

It's a new year in Boston. Thousands of people have moved into the city with plans for their education, career, and future. It's likely you also moved to Boston at some point with a plan. But what about God's plan? Have you ever wondered—or worried—about God's plan for your life? We being a new sermon series in Ephesians this Sunday. We'll see the "mystery" of God's plan for us revealed, and why it should bring us incredible joy.

Fight the Good Fight (1 Timothy 6:11-21)

We come this week to 1 Timothy's dramatic conclusion. It's as if the Apostle Paul is reaching through the page, grabbing Timothy by the shoulders, staring intensely into his eyes, and earnestly exhorting him: "Fight the good fight of the faith!" We'll explore this Sunday why the Christian life is a battle, and we'll see specifically what we're fighting for and against.

Giving Thanks, Waging War (1 Timothy 1:12-20)

How do we keep ourselves from drifting away from the gospel like the Ephesian church? By cultivating a personal thankfulness for God's amazing grace in our own lives. Paul models this for us in our passage this Sunday as a fuel for Timothy's good fight for the faith in his own life and in the church.

Guard the Gospel (1 Timothy 1:1-11)

We begin a new sermon series through 1 Timothy entitled, "The Church: The Pillar of Truth." Many people in our day believe truth is subjective and changing. Yet we'll see in this letter that God not only cares very much about the universal truth of the gospel, but that he has ordained the local church to guard it and proclaim it. (Credit to a sermon on this text by Curtis Cook, Hope Fellowship Church.)

Be On Guard (Matthew 16:1-12)

Have you ever been led astray? In our passage this Sunday, Jesus warns us about the false teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. But what exactly is this false teaching? Why is it so destructive? Why does he compare it to bread baking? And finally, how should we guard ourselves against it and walk in truth?