Truth Be Told (Exodus 20:16)

The ninth commandment shows us impact of our words in loving our neighbors. We are charged in the previous commandments not to take our neighbor's life, wife, or property. The ninth command tells us not to take our neighbor's reputation—to honor those around us with truthful words. We'll see on Sunday how we can be faithful, not false, witnesses in all of our lives.

Guard the Gospel (1 Timothy 1:1-11)

We begin a new sermon series through 1 Timothy entitled, "The Church: The Pillar of Truth." Many people in our day believe truth is subjective and changing. Yet we'll see in this letter that God not only cares very much about the universal truth of the gospel, but that he has ordained the local church to guard it and proclaim it. (Credit to a sermon on this text by Curtis Cook, Hope Fellowship Church.)