The Provision and Protection of Christ 
for His Church (Acts 4:32-5:11)

In our passage this Sunday, we see a beautiful picture of the best of the church and a vivid picture of the worst of the church. Bro. Daniel will teach on how we're to bring our sin into the light and serve one another generously.

Dear Complacent Church (Revelation 3:14-22)

This Sunday we conclude our sermon series through the 7 churches of Revelation. Jesus offers some of his most challenging words of discipline to this final church whose city and culture is not unlike our own. We'll see what leads to spiritual complacency and how we can receive well our Lord's discipline.

Dear Dead Church (Revelation 3:1-6)

It’s possible to claim to be a Christian yet not truly possess saving faith. This was the case in Sardis, the 5th of the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3. So how can we be sure we’re alive and not dead? Jesus says it’s all about the clothes we’re wearing, a metaphor for godly works that prove genuine faith.

Jesus' Anger at Religious Hypocrisy (Matthew 23:1-39)

In this Sunday’s passage, our “gentle and lowly” Savior gets angry. Very angry. This is no out-of-control explosion, but an intentional declaration of God’s judgment on Jerusalem’s religious leaders. So what caused him to get so angry? Religious hypocrisy. We’ll see not only why this particularly provokes Jesus’ anger but also how to spot it, especially in our own lives.

The Danger of Doing Good (Matthew 6:1-4)

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"Humble-bragging" and "virtue-signaling" are 21st Century phrases, but the concept is as old as, well, sin. Our hearts are so corrupt that we can turn even a righteous deed into an opportunity for unrighteous pride. As we continue to the learn the character of Christ's kingdom in his Sermon the the Mount, Jesus teaches us that we need to repent not only for our sinful deeds but for our righteous ones, too.