Christ's Kingdom and Politics (Matthew 22:15-22)

People say that if you want to avoid controversy and conflict then you shouldn't talk about religion or politics. Well, Jesus does both in this Sunday's passage. In these eight little verses, we'll see how we as Christians should view government, how we should engage in politics, and how the kingdom of God relates to the state.

RSVP for the Kingdom (Matthew 22:1-14)

When was the last formal invitation you received in the mail? Perhaps it was for a wedding or a work party. Jesus tells us in this Sunday's passage that the greatest invitation we will ever receive is a call into his kingdom. Why is it so crucial that we RSVP, and, as this parable tells us, make sure we're dressed appropriately for the occasion?

The Real Jesus (Matthew 21:1-17)

Jesus is the most influential person to ever live. And yet he is likely the most misunderstood, as well. People have claimed the name of Jesus to support all kinds of causes, movements, and theologies--often contradictory ones. The truth is, it is easy to make Jesus into our own image. The way to fight against this tendency is to see how Jesus reveals himself in his word. Our passage this Sunday shows us the paradoxical nature of Christ and his mission as Jesus is both a strong ruler and humble savior.